Atanomeyovwi assures of FG's Commitment to a better DSC

Honourable Federal Commissioner of the National Assembly Service Commission, Chief Francis Atanomeyovwi, has

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Atanomeyovwi assures of FG's Commitment to a better DSC
Chief Francis Atanomeyovwi

Honourable Federal Commissioner of the National Assembly Service Commission, Chief Francis Atanomeyovwi, has assured the Urhobo nation of the commitment of the federal government to the future of Delta Steel Company, Ovwian-Aladja, Delta State presently under the management of Premium Steel and Mines Limited, stressing that the current state of the plant was a source of concern to genuine Urhobo patriots all over Nigeria.


Addressing newsmen in Warri on the state of the plant, Chief Atanomeyovwi disclosed that he was moved to bare his mind after a visit to the Burutu Area Command of the Nigerian Police Force, with operational base in Ovwian, Udu Local Government Area of Delta state where he saw about seven trucks containing vandalized assets of the company seized by the police when they were being carted away.


The Commissioner commended the efforts of the Police and the DSS in the area for arresting those trailers loads containing suspected vandalized properties of Delta Steel Company.  


He lamented that despite the huge investment of government in the plant, the current investors have not done anything to take the plant to appreciable level, stressing that instead of investing and adding value to existing assets, ‘’what is witnessed by the people is reckless stripping of the company assets which if not checked on time, could reduce the plant to a miserable carcass in no time.


‘’It is sad, scary and very disheartening to note that since 2015 when Premium Steel took over the plant, no appreciable progress has been made. We have been watching from afar but the time has come for every Urhobo son and daughter who is concerned with the state of the plant to speak out for the right thing to be done. From what I gathered, those involved in the act are in police custody awaiting diligent prosecution.


‘’The assurance however is that we are not going to fold our arms and allow the plant to rot away. Huge assets of the plant, vandalized with covert collision with staff of the company, are currently at the Ovwian-Aladja Police Station rotting away. We shall do everything within our power to get the attention of the Federal Government turned in the direction of DSC so we can restore the lost glory of the plant for our teeming youths to get jobs and make good use of themselves’’, he said.


The Federal Commissioner expressed dismay with the conduct of the Indian investors, warning them to braze up to the challenge of waking up the plant or get kicked out for better and more serious investors to take over.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Ossai Rita Ashinedu
Our Correspondent , Ossai Rita Ashinedu, has Ordinary National Diploma in Mass Communication from Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro. She can be reached on 07061927586
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