Yuletide: Okowa’s spouse, Dame Edith fetes 100 widows as Opuoru assists with cash

Wife of Delta State Governor, Dame Edith Okowa on Wednesday December 21, gave 100 widows in Warri South Constituency II,

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Yuletide: Okowa’s spouse, Dame Edith fetes 100 widows as Opuoru assists with cash
Aerial shot of Hon. Opuoru (middle) doing the presentation to the widows


Wife of Delta State Governor, Dame Edith Okowa on Wednesday December 21, gave 100 widows in Warri South Constituency II, Warri South Local Government Area 100 bags of 10kg rice, eight cartons of vegetable oil and 10 cartons of tomatoes.

Dame Okowa, who made the presentation through the member representing Warri South Constituency II in Delta State House of Assembly, Hon. Matthew Poko Opuoru, explained that the gesture was to cushion the effect of the rising cost of food items, ahead of the Christmas and New year celebrations.


Hon. Matthew Opuoru (right) & one of the widows





Hon. Opuoru, while urging the widows to continually support the Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa led PDP Government in the state, particularly in the build-up to the forthcoming 2023 general elections, gave two thousand naira to each of the widows as his personal contribution.


The bags of 10kg rice



Each beneficiary, went home with 10kg rice, 1litre of vegetable oil and sachets of tomatoes, just as they expressed gratitude to Dame Okowa and Hon. Opuoru, for remembering them during this yuletide.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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