Ownership of Ifole Land: King of Mosogar, has a case to answer - Ifole Development Movement, fires back

Members of Ifole Development Movement, say, “The King of Mosogar Oduaka I, has a case to answer and if he is clean, he should turn himself up as the King of Ewu Kingdom

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Ownership of Ifole Land: King of Mosogar, has a case to answer - Ifole Development Movement, fires back
Comrade Dennis Mene, BA, LL.B, AcARB, MPA, Msc.

Members of Ifole Development Movement, say, “The King of Mosogar Oduaka I, has a case to answer and if he is clean, he should turn himself up as the King of Ewu Kingdom, His Royal MajestyClement Ikolo Oghenerukevwe did to clear himself of the allegations.”


The position of Ifole Development Movement, which was contained in an electronic statement made available to Fresh Angle International, today, Thursday April 4, was sequel to the raging controversy over the ownership of Ifole land.


In the statement, which was e-signed by the Chairman, Secretary and Public Relations Officer, PRO of Ifole Development Movement, Comrade Dennis Mene, Mr. Mogbeyiteren T. Mene and Mr. Israel Mene, respectively, members of Ifole Development Movement, asserted: “It is a trite law that any matter, that has been settled by the highest court of the land, cannot be revisited in any guise, after the Supreme Court, appeal lies only to God Almighty.”


The statement further, noted inter-alia: “Our attention has been drawn to the Press Release by one Chief (Col) Surv. OC Akporoka on behalf of Mosogar Development Union and Mosogar Kingdom on the 1st of April 2024 in response to our earlier Press Statement on ownership of Ifole land.


“We would have completely ignored the said press Release but the urgent need to correct the concocted lies, false, baseless and misinformation contained in the press Release with deliberate intentions to provoke the Mene-Okotie Family and mislead the public on matter that is res judicata. Hence, this reply.


The author claimed in paragraph 7 (a) that there is no judgement of any court of law anywhere including suit No. 23/66 and Appeal No. S/66/69 that has ever declared or awarded TITLE to IFOLE land to Mene - Okotie family, which means that he agreed that there was a judgement but differ on title. The truth of the matter is that there is a calculated attempt to mislead the public and as stated in our earlier Press Statement, IFOLE land has long been settled in suit No. S. 23/66 in Odaka Oforitse & ANR for and on behalf of the people of Mosogar Vs. Idisi Mene -Okotie and the Supreme Court in suit No. S/66/69 and the pending cases at the High Courts and Appeal Court, are attempts to re-litigate what has been settled by the highest court in the land, which will fail. It is a trite law that any matter that has been settled by the highest court of the land, cannot be revisited in any guise, after the Supreme Court, appeal lies only to God Almighty. That is, there must be an end to litigation process.


“The author of the press Release further used their attempts to re-litigate what has been settled in the highest court of the land and some criminal cases pending in courts, in paragraphs 7 (a), (b) and (c) to justify their ownership of Ifole land in the  cases of  Ohwobeno Erakpotobor & Ors. V. A.S. Mene Okotie & Anor; Chief Jacob Ojarikre & Ors. V. The Nigerian Police Force  & Ors before the High Court at OGHARA as a defence. 


“It is pertinent to note that prior to the commencement of their suit in 1966, in which we were defendants, the Mene-Okotie family, has been in unbroken possession for over 60 years and where the judgement clearly stated that the land belongs to the Mene-Okotie family. It will be an exercise in futility and abuse of court process to attempts re-litigate of what has already been settled and as stated before, it will fail.


“Again, the author claimed that Memorandum of Understanding duly entered by the Mosogar king as he then was, that Ifole land was actually owned by the Mene-Okotie family , was forged  upon subjection to forensic Analysis and that the office of the then Assistant Inspector General Of Police, had issued a fiat for the prosecution of Sir. A. S. Mene. This is another fabricated lie that doesn't hold the slightest drop of water.  He further states that instructions have been given to firms of Solicitors to initiate necessary actions in court to compel the police to commence the prosecution of those found to be behind the forgery of the purported Memorandum of Understanding, MoU this again it's a blatant lie as there is nothing as such. The document of the MoU was drafted and executed by the Mosogar lawyers, Alufe Alufe Chambers in the Delta Ministry of Justice, Asaba for the purpose of payment of Compensation to the owners of Ifole land encroached upon by the Delta State Government for the establishment of the Delta State Botanical gardens. The said, compensation has since been paid by the Delta State government to the Mene-Okotie family. Most of the people involved are still alive, how can the MoU said to be a forgery by Sir. A.S. Mene. We are waiting for them to prove their allegation of forgery of a document, which they originated and has already been acted upon by the Delta State government.


“Moreso, the author claimed that Sir. A. S. Mene, resort to crude and self-help is a deliberate attempt to dance to the gallery and to hide the true position of things. The fact remains that the King of Mosogar Oduaka I, has a case to answer and if he is clean, he should turn himself up as the King of Ewu Kingdom, His Royal Majesty Clement Ikolo Oghenerukevwe did to clear himself of the allegations.


“Consequently, Ifole land is res judicata. It is a matter that has been put to rest on its merits by the highest court of the land and no concoction of lies can make it to be litigated upon in this life. The judgments are already a public document for all to lay hands on and go through. 


“We are using this medium to as a matter of public urgency, urge that the Executive Governor of Delta State, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Francis Oborevwori, to call the King of Mosogar Oduaka I and the President of Mosogar Development Union, to order, because the essence of rule of law is to ensure obedience to court orders and judgements and we will not fold our hands and watch some disgruntled elements in their primitive nature to flagrantly disobey the court judgements on Ifole land; and we may have no options than to take  our destiny into our hands, which may be inimical to the peace in the state.”



Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Tonebsky Nesta
Tonebsky Nesta is the pen name for Metsese Anthony Ebule, Co-Publisher/Editor-In-Chief
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