Eid-el-Kabir- Kogi CP orders massive deployment of officers to beef up security

The Kogi State Commissioner of Police Bethrand Onuoha, has ordered massive deployment of

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Eid-el-Kabir- Kogi CP orders massive deployment of officers to beef up security

The Kogi State Commissioner of Police Bethrand Onuoha has ordered massive deployment of Police personnel across the 21 Local Government Areas of the State to beef of security towards ensuring a hitch-free Eid-el-Kabir celebrations.



The Kogi State Police Public Relations Officer, SP William Ovye Aya disclosed this in a statement on Saturday.


Our Kogi State Correspondent, reports that Aya noted that the Kogi State Commissioner of Police also directed all the Area Commanders, Divisional Police Officers (DPOs), as well as Tactical Commanders to put in place tight security measures for a crime-free celebrations.


The statement urged members of the public to cooperate with the Police and other Security Agencies in the State to ensure a crime free celebrations.


"The CP reiterates the Command's unwavering commitment in sustaining the robust synergy, collaboration and cooperation existing amongst us and sister Security Agencies in the State.


"The CP appealed to the law abiding people in the State to always volunteer timely and credible information on the activities of criminal elements in the State as they go about their lawful businesses please" the statement added.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Odimayo Olatunde Frederick
graduate of Mass Communication and Kogi State Correspondent of Fresh Angle International Newspaper
Read other stories by Odimayo Olatunde Frederick

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