Prof. Jacinta Opara to be inaugurated VC of Dominican University July 1

The first female Vice Chancellor of Dominican University, Ibadan-Nigeria, Professor Jacinta Opara, will officially be inaugurated into the exalted office, as the

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Prof. Jacinta Opara to be inaugurated VC of Dominican University July 1
Professor Jacinta Opara,

The first female Vice Chancellor of Dominican University, Ibadan-Nigeria, Professor Jacinta Opara, will officially be inaugurated into the exalted office, as the second substantive Vice Chancellor of the Ivory tower, on Monday July 1.

Prof. Opara, a leading African environmental scholar, scientist, educator, health researcher, consultant and development activist, had on Sunday June 23, began a 9-day onboarding activities at the institution, with the onboarding activities scheduled to round-off Monday July 1.

According to a statement made available to Fresh Angle International, Thurday June 27, the inauguration ceremony of Prof. Opara, will commence by 12noon with Academic Procession of DU Officials into Tom & Carolyn Walker Hall, venue of the event.


A Special Guest Lecture by Prof. Abel I. Olayinka, Inaugural Speech by Prof. Jacinta Opara and Citations by Dr Victoria Ope Akoleowo, are expected to highlight the ceremony.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Ebule Anthony Metsese
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