Some Of the Biggest Scandals in the NFL

After gaming at aussie casino NFL inspired slots, you could be curious if there was more to

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Some Of the Biggest Scandals in the NFL

After gaming at aussie casino NFL inspired slots, you could be curious if there was more to then normal football match.

Football is one of the most loved sports in America. But, like any other sport in the entertainment business, there's a lot more to the game.

Such things also tend to include having some of the greatest scandals in the history of American sport. And, here is an article giving you some of the most divisive moments in League history.

Barret Robbins

Barret Robbins is among the most notorious players in the history of the NFL. Among the most famous occasions is when he wanted to have a nice night out sometime before the Super Bowl XXVII back in 2003. Robbins ended up not being able to play, and the Raiders lost their game.

Afterwards when, he ended up getting charged with attempted murder when he attacked three Miami police officers. It appears that Robbins was bipolar, but that didn't save him the three bullets that the police had been serving him for not complying..

 Eugene Robinson Get The Walk of Shame

It is quite as embarrassing to found asking for the services of a prostitute if you are an influential man. This is because it leads to a loss of respect and a blowbacks from society. But what's worse is having to be arrested for that, and you wont be able to play casino games from too. In 1999, Eugene Robinson would have his walk of shame, but he was out of the police cells.

But also, it doesn't look like it ended up going well with Robinson's career as well. The player ended his retirement the following year, and the controversy could have something to do with it.

Mark Chmura’s fall from Grace

 Although the player was found guilty of the charges, it was also one of the most shameful situations for the NFL player. Especially considering the fact that he criticized Bill Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Chmura faced 3rd degree sexual assault charges against his 17-year-old babysitter.

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