Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide, has claimed that after President Muhammadu Buhari's Presidency by 2023, South -Western Nigeria, would lack the moral and ethical standards to aspire for the 2023 Presidency," after spending 8 years as President (1999-2003) and as Vice President(2015-2023) and undoubtedly Igbos are favored by all standards to occupy the exalted office as Nigerian President in 2023."
The apex Igbo group which made the declaration in an electronic statement sent to Fresh Angle International few minutes past 4 : 00 am today, Tuesday August 3, added: "Attempts to blackmail Igbos with activities of Biafra agitators resurrect the rhetorical questions about the ethnic militia's activities in the past. Did OPC activities stopped Chief Olusegun Obasanjo's emergency in 1999? Did Niger/Delta militants stopped Dr. Goodluck Jonathan's Presidency in 2011?, Did Boko Haram and bandits stopped General Muhammadu Buhari in 2015 ?", the rise of Self-determination in the Old Eastern region shows that only Igbo Presidency 2023 will assuage the burning flames of Biafra agitation and put Nigeria back on track for greater heights."
The statement E - signed by Secretary - General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide, Mazi Okechukwu Isiguzoro, noted: "Ohanaeze Ndigbo calls on Igbo Presidential hopefuls to reach out to all political parties and geopolitical zones and commence consultative discussions instantly, as the coast is getting clearer for Igbo Presidency 2023."
Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104
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Ossai Rita Ashinedu
Our Correspondent , Ossai Rita Ashinedu, has Ordinary National Diploma in Mass Communication from Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro. She can be reached on 07061927586
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