Life and Times of Okakuro Patrick Aghogin Gbinije (JP)

According to Shakespeare: “The entire world is a stage and all men and women merely actors and actresses, they all have their entrances and exits, and one man in his time, plays many parts”. Hence, Okakuro Patrick Aghogin Gbinije (JP) recently transited to glory.

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Life and Times of Okakuro Patrick Aghogin Gbinije (JP)


           According to Shakespeare:“The entire world is a stage and all men and women merely actors and actresses,they all have their entrances and exits, and one man in his time, plays manyparts”.  Hence, Okakuro Patrick Aghogin Gbinije (JP) recently transited toglory. 


               In addition, a philosopher once wrote, “the death of a fellow human beingdiminishes the humanity in us.  Again, Longfellow surmised that “the livesin great men remind us to make our lives sublime, departing, leave our footprints on the sand of time”. 


               With the transition of an impeccable chief, Okakuro Patrick Aghogin Gbinije(JP) to immortality, our great country, Nigeria, Delta State, Okpe LocalGovernment Area and the people of Okobia town have really lost a gem, fatherand chief of all chiefs.  


               It is on record that he was an indefatigable chief, empathetic chief,forward-looking chief and dynamic chief.  This is the candid view of thepeople of Okobia town and multitude of persons who have come across him inNigeria and in the Diaspora.  The late chief’s foresight, knowledge,courage, loyalty and warm friendship, irrespective of age, class, creed, orethnic belongingness, distinguished him from most chiefs.  


               It is abundantly clear that the late chief was a chief of dignity with provenand impeccable character, probity, integrity, high moral and deep sympathy forthe downtrodden.  His period was an embodiment of true greatness.  Hewas a man dedicated to the pursuit of excellence.  He was an impeccablechief who set excellent standard; a wonderful recognized and articulate chiefwho didn’t mind how long it took him to execute his projects so long as theywere impeccable.  He was a servant leader, the kind of leadership that weneed in Nigeria today.  


               From records available, one can boldly and happily say that he was a rare gemwhose vacuum may not be filled for a very long time.  He was aquintessential professional, dignified and gracious, a quiet hero, man of manyparts and dynamism.  His death marked the sad loss of an experienced,committed and dedicated Nigerian, at a time when the country still needs hiswisdom, knowledge and contribution as a statesman. 


               He was born in 1918 at Okobia town to the Gbinije Royal Family of Okobia in thepresent Okpe Local Government Area of Delta State.  He was admitted intothe Native Authority School, Sapele where he demonstrated excellence in academicsand sports.  Due to dint of hard work and intellectualism, he proceeded toSt. Gregory’s College, Lagos and subsequently matriculated in London in1949.   

               The late chief worked as a Manager in BEWAC Ltd. and exhibited professionalismand excellence.  He later diversified and became a dealer under Total OilProducts (Nig.) Limited and had his filling station at Mission Road, Benin Cityin the present Edo State.  In view of his intellectualism and exhibitionof professionalism in any field he ventured into, he gained dealership underNiger Motors Ltd. (UAC Conglomerate) and specialized in the sales, repair worksand distribution of Bedford lorries, lucas batteries among many others. 


               Indeed, the late chief put his name in the sands of history as a champion ofthe intellectual renaissance among the entire people of Delta State and Okobiatown in particular, a paragon of excellence, role model, a great manager ofresources, a consummate chief with a penchant for hard work, and a devoutChristian.  He was a stickler for perfection, and was endowed withresounding managerial abilities.  I believe that the best way to keep thelegacy of the knowledgeable and versatile chief is to continue to propagate hisideals without fear or favour.  With his remarkable achievementspolitically and otherwise, the late chief’s name, no doubt will be etched ingold in the annals of history.


               Chief Gbinije was an astute and articulate politician not the ‘chop-I-chop’type of some modern days Nigerian politicians.  This is because hebelieved in empowerment and as a result, showed interest in politics between1953 and 1983.  He was the Mid West Democratic Front (MDF) memberrepresenting Urhobo West IV (1955).  Later, he became the Action Group(AG) Counselor, Chairman, Western Urhobo District Council (1955-1962),Chairman, Western Urhobo Divisional Council, Secretary, Okpe Land Trust andChairman Okpe/Sapele Land Trust. 


               Later, he contested for and won election under the National Party of Nigeria(NPN) to represent Ethiope South at the National Assembly (1979-1983). Based on his excellent performance, he was re-elected in 1983.  Consequentupon military intervention, he withdrew from active politics and continued toplay a great role as political godfather and resolved to offer advice to theyoung and coming politicians.  The late chief was among those that foughtseriously with the pen for the creation of Mid West Region from the WesternRegion and later fought again with the pen for the creation of Bendel State andsubsequently Delta State. It is a truism to say that the late Chief contributed immensely to thedevelopment of Nigeria.


               Chief Gbinije had succeeded in leaving his name on the positive side of historyas a man of high moral principles and integrity.  The chief was known notto tolerate official arrogance and dereliction of duty.  A patriot ofunflinching loyalty and a confidant of immeasurable depth, May God in His gracegrant him eternal rest and the family the fortitude to bear the painful andirreparable loss. 


               For this generation and the next, the chief would ever remain a legend andindeed a beacon of lasting hope.  May his brave and generous soul continueto rest in an undisturbed peace! AMEN. 




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ISSN 2354 - 4104

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