2023 Children's Day: Kogi Govt. harps on positive moral values to correct wrongs in society

As Nigerians celebrate the 2023 Children's Day, the Kogi State Government has stressed the need for stakeholders at all level to

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2023 Children's Day: Kogi Govt. harps on positive moral values to correct wrongs in society

As Nigerians celebrate the 2023 Children's Day, the Kogi State Government has stressed the need for stakeholders at all level to promote positive moral values for the development of Nigeria as a nation.

Wife to Kogi State Governor Hajia Rashida Bello disclosed this on Saturday against the backdrop of the 2023 Children's Day celebration with the theme "the State of proper Nigerian Children's today: proper parenting for value reorientation and National consciousness".
Hajia Rashida Bello, who was represented by the Kogi State Head of service , Mrs Hannah Odiyo, charged parents to inculcate disciplines into their Children adding that,  it is important to nurture  them positively in order to secure their future.
While admonishing Nigerian Children to have the fear of God in their heart, and be contented with what ever is given to them by their parent, the wife of the Governor further commended the Kogi State Government under Governor Yahaya Bello for his tremendous achievement in revamping the educational sector in Kogi State.
Our Kogi State Correspondent, reportsthat Bello, however, frowned at the attitudes of teachers in schools who are now carried away by  their personal needs, instead of teaching the students morals for a better society.
She further tasked parents to put in their best to dis-abuse the mind of Children from any form of social vices such as examination malpractice, cultism, drug addictions, kidnapping and many more.
Earlier in her remarks, the Kogi State Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development, Hajia Fatima Kabir Buba, described Children as the future which holds the key to the society. 
Buba, who also corroborated the position of the Governors wife lamented that, Nigeria's image as the giant of Africa has suffered some setbacks as a result of anti-social and criminal acts, with a high rate of corruption.
According to her "The decline and fall of Nigerians in behaviour has reached unacceptable level. It is regrettable to note that the educational system which hitherto has been perceived as an agent of socialization for instilling good cultures and values, has deteriorated to the extent that instead of being an agent of transformation, empowerment and clearing the minds of the young ones to become useful members of the society, it has today become an agency of imparting negative values. é 
"Lack of value orientation in the life of Nigerian children and her educational system manifests itself in our homes and at all levels of education. As parents, we have seen different forms of corruption existing in our homes and -institutions of today.
" For example, examination malpractice, financial malpractice in schools, sexual exploitation of our children by caregivers and parents in extreme cases, which manifest itself in the form of caregivers taking advantage of this little ones, etc.
" The existence of multiplicity of these social vices in our world today, has led to the decay of positive moral values in our homes and institution of learning today with its dire negative effects and consequences on the lives and national consciousness of ‘ our wards, 
"Value reorientation is the act of changing, adjusting, aligning or realigning the principles, self-worth, codes and standard of behavior of our young ones to something in a new or different reaction. The re-orientation of value system in Nigeria is a look into the past for national culture that would reshape national character and image"
According to her,  for any society to experience positive and sustainable growth, positive values must be upheld and encouraged. 
Buba stressed further that, where social values have decayed, underdevelopment sets in hence the need for reorientation of these values. 
Also speaking, the Kogi State Commissioner for Sports and Social Development Alhaji Idris Musa frowned  on the moral decadence in the society.
He argued that, the use of social media and internet have brought much problem in Children upbringing adding that, parents have a great role to play to build a better society desirable for all.
Also speaking, the Kogi State Commissioner for Commerce and Industry Gabriel Olofu tasked Children to imbibe the culture of disciplines in all of their endevours.
According to him, there is need for children to imbibe good culture and discipline if they want to achieve their dreams in life.
It was gathered that the international Children's Day was established in 1954 as Universal Children’s Day. It has been celebrated since then on different dates in several countries.


Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Odimayo Olatunde Frederick
graduate of Mass Communication and Kogi State Bureau Chief of Fresh Angle International Newspaper
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