I am one evidence of God's grace upon your life, Edema celebrates Papa Oritsejafor

Advocate of Itsekiri rights and ex - leader of Itsekiri graduates worldwide, Collins Oritsetimeyin

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I am one evidence of God's grace upon your life, Edema celebrates Papa Oritsejafor
File: Papa Ayodele Joseph Oritsejafor ( left) praying for Collins Oritsetimeyin Edema

 Advocate of Itsekiri rights and ex - leader of Itsekiri graduates worldwide, Collins Oritsetimeyin Edema, says he is one evidence of the grace of God upon the life and call into ministry of former President of Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Papa Ayodele Joseph Oritsejafor.                                          

 Edema,  made the proclamation in a goodwill message to felicitate Papa Oritsejafor, on the conferment of Vanguard Personality of the year award, taking place later today at the prestigious Eko Hotel & Suites, Lagos.  


Whilst describing Papa Oritsejafor as a spiritual father whose teachings, ministrations and counsel, have positively shaped his life, Edema stated that the ex - President of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria and founder of Word of Life Bible Church Worldwide, has impacted greatly in the lives of people across the world.                              

  " I must not fail to add that apart from positively placing Warri in particular and Delta State as a whole in the world map, Papa Oritsejafor, has contributed immensely to peace building, unity among the different ethnic groups in Nigeria and executed community development projects in various parts of the country," Edema, noted.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Tonebsky Nesta
Tonebsky Nesta is the pen name for Metsese Anthony Ebule, Co-Publisher/Editor-In-Chief
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