Association of Community Newspaper Publishers Pass Vote Of Confidence On Oborevwore

Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, the executive governor of Delta State with the Chairman of ACNPN Comrade Obiemeyego Jude The Association of Community Newspaper Publishers of

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Association of Community Newspaper Publishers Pass Vote Of Confidence On Oborevwore
Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, the executive governor of Delta State in a group picture with members of Association of Community Newspapers Publishers of Nigeria (ACNPN)

The Association of Community Newspaper Publishers of Nigeria(ACNPN),Delta State Council, have passed votes of implicit confidence on the state’s Governor, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori.
The ACNPN EXCO ,at a crucial meeting held in Asaba, on Thursday, said the vote of confidence on the governor stemmed from the giant developmental strides recorded in the nooks and crannies of the state within the first one year of his administration. ACNPN acknowledged the uncommon transformation of the state in all facets by Oborevwori within the short period of one year of his administration.
The motion for the vote of confidence, which was moved by Comrade Jude Obiemenyego, the Chairman, Association of Community Newspaper Publishers of Nigeria(ACNPN),Delta State Council and seconded by Comrade Segun Asare, was unanimously and overwhelmingly endorsed by the entire member of ACNPN executives.
ACNPN noted that the four pillars of governor Sheriff Oborevwore campaign policy thrust was christened the MORE agenda which stand for; Meaningful Development, Opportunities for all, Realistic Reforms and Enhanced peace and security of Delta State.
According to Comrade Obiemenyego “The cardinal policy of his development agenda for the state, which is christened M.O.R.E (Meaningful Development; Opportunities for All; Realistic Reforms and Enhanced Peace and Security), hinges on peace and security.
“As a government, the goal is to provide sustainable development and opportunities for the people. These can only be achieved successfully when there is peace and security.
“Oborevwori’s administration has provided synergy between the government and the police which has built trust and the confidence of the people in the ability of various security outfits in the state.
“The governor has also provided various platforms for community engagements which has enhanced peace and security in the state.”
Comrade Obiemenyego used the opportunity to congratulate Governor Sheriff Oborevwori, the State Legislature, the judiciary and indeed the media for working in synergy which has promoted harmony in the state.
ACNPN Exco members expressed unreserved satisfaction with Governor Oborevwori and charged him to continue with the wonderful work he is doing in delivering the M.O.R.E Agenda of his administration to Deltans.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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