NDLEA, Foundation rally in Warri against Drug Abuse

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, Delta Ports Command and the Friends Against Drug Abuse Foundation, on Wednesday

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NDLEA, Foundation rally in Warri against Drug Abuse
Officials of NDLEA, Delta Ports Command & Friends Against Drug Abuse Foundation at the NPA Expressway Byepass, Ekurede Itsekiri/Ugbori axis, Warri, during the rally

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, Delta Ports Command and the Friends Against Drug Abuse Foundation, on Wednesday June 26, rallied along major roads in Warri, Delta State, against Drug Abuse.


Fresh Angle International can report that the rally which was to mark this year’s World International Day Against Drug Abuse, was themed: "War against Drug Abuse: The Evidence is Clear: Invest in Prevention."


The campaign aimed to educate the public on the severe consequences of drug abuse, covering a broad spectrum of physical, psychological, social and economic impacts.


The physical repercussions highlighted include; vital organ damage, hypertension, chronic bleeding, risks to unborn children for pregnant abusers, cancer, anemia, respiratory issues, and AIDS.


Psychological effects emphasized were anxiety, depression, psychosis, hallucinations, memory loss, panic attacks, and premature deaths.


Additionally, the campaign stressed the societal consequences of drug abuse, such as increased terrorism, joblessness, prostitution, cultism, delinquency, destitution and rape. 


The campaign identified commonly abused substances in society today, including cannabis (hemp), alcohol, cocaine, heroin, codeine, tramadol, and methamphetamine (mkpuru-miri/Ice).


By promoting sensitization, education, and enlightenment, the organizers sought to prevent and reduce drug abuse within the community, bringing the crucial message directly to the people.



Credit: Agbasoga Vivian Idu

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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