Miss Nigeria candidate, Damarea Liao resigns after reported feud with Kim Kardashian

A Japanese-Nigerian Model and actress, Damarea Liao, has resigned as Miss Nigeria candidate, after headlines surfaced on the internet about

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Miss Nigeria candidate, Damarea Liao resigns after reported feud with Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian & Damarea Liao

A Japanese-Nigerian Model and actress, Damarea Liao, has resigned as Miss Nigeria candidate, after headlines surfaced on the internet about her feud with Kim Kardashian.



Fresh Angle International, understands that the 19-year-old Damarea Liao, was accused of being “sexist” after a comment on Instagram on American reality star, Kim Kardashian.


The apparent online incident occurred after Liao pushed a contentious post on Kim Kardashian's debated rise to fame. 


The announcement came about a month after Miss USA, Noelia Voigt and Miss USA Teen, UmaSofia Srivastava, resigned their titles in the Miss Universe competition, as Hawaii representative, the first runner-up took over. 


Since then, Liao has cleared her social media of any 'Miss Nigeria' titles and any related posts, causing speculation.


Damarea Liao, recently resigned her title to advance to Miss USA from Miss South Carolina, United States; she cited mental health, and "fair treatment" as her reasoning for withdrawing. 


Kim Kardashian responded to the drama after she followed Damarea Liao briefly before they both unfollowed each other.


Two days later, IMDb confirmed Liao's reality show, 'Life of Crowns' under Kim Kardashian and Ryan Seacrest as the producers. Some Kardashian fans believe the entire incident was a publicity stunt for the upcoming reality show. 


Seacrest produced 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' and 'The Kardashians', and now the reality show about Liao's life after pageantry. 


Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Onyeka Lilian Adudu
Our Special Correspondent, owns a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication, from Delta State University, Abraka.
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