Stop raining curses on our leaders - EX Kogi lawmaker begs Nigerians

A Chieftain of the ruling All Progressive Congress, (APC) in Kogi State Hon. Nathaniel Taiwo has admonished Nigerians to cultivate the habit of praying

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Stop raining curses on our leaders - EX Kogi lawmaker begs Nigerians

A Chieftain of the ruling All Progressive Congress, (APC) in Kogi State Hon. Nathaniel Taiwo has admonished Nigerians to cultivate the habit of praying  for the leaders at all levels and stop raining curses at them when things are not going well. 


Our Kogi State Correspondent, reports that Hon. Taiwo, who is a former  member of the Kogi State House of Assembly gave the admonition while speaking with  journalists in Lokoja on Friday.



He pointed out that it only prayers that can help direct the leaders in their  ways rather than wanting to bring them down , adding that Nigerian should encourage the leaders to do more.


"Whenever I see people raining curses on those in authority, I am not always happy.

Raining curses on people in government will not solve our problem but make it worse.


" Nigerian should go beyond this pull down syndrome and inculcate the habit of praying for the leaders in government. When we do this,  I am very sure that Nigeria will be better" he stated.


He explained that despite the currently challenges President Bola Tinubu's administration will make progress in tackling various issues militating against the nation now.


He added that the country will soon experience a tremendous progress under the leadership of President Tinubu, stressing  that Nigerians should rather encourage him  more to succeed.


The Kogi ex - Lawmaker also lauded the administration of Governor Usman Ododo for the sensitivity on the security of the State ,urging him to step up the Security architecture in the State.


Taiwo also commended  Governor Ododo for his quick response to ensure the  returns of the students of Confluence University of Science and Technology CUSTECH , Osara who were abducted by the kidnappers at the campus of the institution recently.


He however lamented the the loss of two male students who were shot dead by the kidnappers , prayed that may the state never experience such again . 


He scored Ododo high in his approach to the payment of salaries in the past few months of the administration , noting that education  ,health and other sectors are receiving adequate attention under his leadership in the state .


The APC chieftain commended the immediate past administration of Yahaya Bello for the establishment of Kogi State University (KSU), Kabba.


On Senator Sunday Karimi , the former Chairman urged the People of Kogi West Senatorial District to give the Senator a chance to work. 


He pointed out that though his not the senator's personal assistant , stressing that he has worked very hard to ensure that  the on going palliative works on Kabba-  Egbe - Ilorin road are possible.



Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Odimayo Olatunde Frederick
graduate of Mass Communication and Kogi State Correspondent of Fresh Angle International Newspaper
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