Another Betrayal to Bangladesh by Anti-Bangladesh Liberation Forces and CIA Sponsored Coup D’etat

Another Betrayal to Bangladesh by Anti-Bangladesh Liberation Forces and 2024 CIA Roguery in Bangladesh

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Another Betrayal to Bangladesh by Anti-Bangladesh Liberation Forces and CIA Sponsored Coup D’etat

Another Betrayal to Bangladesh by Anti-Bangladesh Liberation Forces and 2024 CIA Roguery in Bangladesh. Uncle Sam has many despicable faces.


For America, is one policy, but for other nations, the same thing they did or have not applied since the World War-2.


If the American establishment stops its meddling into the internal affairs of other independent and sovereign countries at their free-will, the writer of this piece strongly believes 95% violence, war, drone attack, destruction, killing, … across the world will dramatically come to an end. The rest 5% discommodes from the whole world will then automatically diminish. The whole world will be a peaceful and livable place for people of all religions to live together.


But because of the CIA…Bangladesh is now the homeland of Anti-Bangladesh Liberation Forces after 53 years of its independence. In 1971, we gave a crushing defeat to the brutally evil nexus of Pakistan-America-China taking mighty support from India and former Soviet Union. But after more than half a century, they have taken avenge on us in Bangladesh.


It is aptly said that any crime that's not committed by the Mafia is done by the CIA. And Bangladesh is now a burning example of such a colossus crime committed by CIA. The CIA’s Love Child is the present Interim Government led by Prof Dr Mohammad Yunus in Bangladesh.


The anti-quota movement by the pupils during July-August 2024 was simply a pretext by the western superpower America and their cronies from the very beginning. In fact, it is a well-prepared, well-planned, lynx-eyed, well-ordered and hawk-eyed - billions of US Dollar blueprint of well-established cabal by Uncle Sam’s dreaded spy agency conjoined with forces like Prof Dr. Yunus like a close ally of America, Jamaat-e-BNP, Pakistan’s vile spy agency ISI, some extreme right-wingers - vilest Islamists killing rams like, ISIS, Hizbut Tahrir, Ansarullah Bangla Team, Hefazat-e-Islam, Khelafat-e-Majlish, direful Jammat-Shibir thronged Bangladesh army chief, his loyalist cronies, et al, which led Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina government to step down from power in Bangladesh, but illegally, unlawfully and unconstitutionally on 5 August 2024. She didn’t resign from her position though she has forcefully been sent to India. She is still HPM of Bangladesh.



A smile crosses the faces of kingbolts of CIA and IRI headquarters in Washington, local leaders and activists belong to extreme right-winger fundies as stated above as they sauntered through rallies in the metropolitan Dhaka City on 5 August 2024, and learnt the news about Sheikh Hasina’s downfall first from the spy agencies of Bangladesh army but they were not concerned about the team running afoul of the rules of murdering so many poor Madrasah students and poor people pitilessly belonged to poor classes of people by themselves so hawkishly lurching all responsibilities on the shoulders of Sheikh Hasina. Thus a truthless narrative has been created unblushingly and transmitted the same craftily in all circles of Bangladesh and elsewhere in the world to make it believable, but its credibility is being debunked day-after-day.


The CIA sponsored coup d’etat has always been the same nature in countries after countries and Bangladesh is exception to it. Frank Church, a western analyst, once said, “In examining the CIA's past and present, I find deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State. The use of the U.S. media and other western media outlets are found of two reasons for concern. The first is the potential, inherent in covert media operations, for manipulating or incidentally misleading the world public.” I would say, deceit, thy name is the CIA and Uncle Sam.


At the dictations of their despicable gurus commanded by CIA-IRI-local compeers, the so-called students’ leaders on 4 August 2024 quickly and without warning preponed their scheduled rally in Dhaka from 6 August to 5 August 2024. It was as if an orotund was puffed out the other day by popinjays’ mischievous blithesome buncombes. It was named as ‘one-point’ demand movement to remove Awami League from the power tout the suite and to ascend the throne of Bangladesh by extreme Islamist fundamentalists, a.k.a. anti-Bangladesh liberation forces mightily backed up by CIA-IRI-local compeers. 


The entire happening during July-August 2024 in Bangladesh was as a theatre of the absurd no longer surprises. Nonetheless, their new actions which expose the extent to which lack of probity and respect for what is moral and logical, does not cease to cause pain to them and to Dr. Yunus led Interim Government in Bangladesh.


Thousands of people were brutally murdered and thousands of people were maimed during those times by those griffins to remove Sheikh Hasina from power and thus, they were so uncontrolled hallucinating to usurp power in Sheikh Hasina’s position.


The Chief Advisor Yunus’s first appointed home advisor Brigadier Sakhawat Hossain cleared that most of the protesters were killed by 7. 62 mm bore rifles. He clearly said this rifle is not with the police. He is a retired army Brigadier, a weapons system specialist. His words are worth it. If someone tells this from Sheikh Hasina, it could have been continued by telling lies. Says the influential advisor of the Yunus led interim government.


On the other hand, the Chief Advisor also admitted while delivering a speech at the Clinton Foundation in New York that the July-August 2024 revolution didn't happen suddenly. It was preplanned, meticulously designed. 


The Western mass media clearly said some U.S. agencies have been uniting since 2018, trains 170 Special Forces. The Chief Advisor Yunus admits it. Now the question is the movement that was preplanned killing and calling it genocide. Is the downfall of the government called revolution, mass corruption or second freedom? We don't need to say anyone of them. But it was only a deep-rooted camarilla to over-throw the most successful Premier Sheikh Hasina from power in Bangladesh.


Now the fish cannot be covered with branches. Rather investigate 7.62 mm rifle users must be identified and judged responsible for genocide. Also, after August 8, all murders including police murders, mob killing, burning and destroying of so many mega-projects, business establishments must be investigated to reveal the dirty faces of the culprits. The day is getting closer and all these notorious crimes shall be flushed out in public. 


Volker Türk is the current United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights who visited Bangladesh along with his team after Prof Dr. Yunus was installed as Chief Adviser of the Interim Government in Bangladesh three days after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was forced to resign and sent to neighbouring India. Türk and his team made jumping with mouthing big words beating drums loudly to investigate the large-scale murders that took place during July-August 2014 in Bangladesh and submit his report to Yunus government to take appropriate legal actions against those perpetrators. But it is now clear like the morning bright sun that more than 95% murders were carried out unmercifully by the extreme right-winger Islamist hooligans as stated earlier in this write-out. 


If Volker and his team would meet the parents, their relatives, near and dear ones of those murdered people, the bare-faced truths shall come out like the bright sun about who were those murderers, who employed the serial killers, who were their killing gang-leaders, et al.


But Volker Türk has suddenly chosen to remain silent enigmatically on this epic killings or genocide taking unfeigned sense from his local buddies or the Yunus government has purposely halted the Volker investigation to save their skins from the public wreaths.


All HR Organisations, both at home and abroad, who were vocal against Sheikh Hasina and her government, have now also chosen to keep silent to raise their voices about the Brobdingnagian HR violations has been continuing ceaselessly after 5 August 2024 at the dictations by their masters, CIA-IRI-ISI, et al. The unblushing boot-polishers of Uncle Sam, CIA-IRI-ISI and local Extreme Right-winger Fundies, a.k.a. Anti-Bangladesh Liberation Forces.


The heating up the market in Goebelsian prevarications are shrinking and recoiling to the court of the real malefactors. The truth is starting to come out. Once upon a time it will appear like a daylight to public scrutiny. Then the real form of fascist will come out. The day is not far away.


Dr. Yunus' illegal, unlawful and unconstitutional government issued a notification on 14 October 2024, the genocide that took place as part of their meticulous plan from July 15 to August 8, 2024 cannot be sued. Indemnity has been given to all perpetrators belonging to their folds up. Does genocide have a liability for them? In fact, they are not adhering to ethical or moral principles in conducting their functions.


On August 5, the Army Chief General Walker said, "I promise you; we will bring about all murders to justice, all injustices. Keep faith in the army. Have faith in the armed forces. I'm taking of all responsibilities. I promise you that you won't be disappointed.” But he has designedly sided with all anti-Bangladesh liberation forces.



Thus, anti-Bangladesh Liberation Forces have encroached upon Bangladesh. Deadly! Terrible!!



Written by Anwar A. Khan

Author's Bio: Anwar A. Khan, was a freedom fighter to establish Bangladesh in 1971, based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, who writes on politics and international issues.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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