Delta State Government to monitor table water producing companies due to cholera outbreak

Delta State Government, has disclosed plans to embark on inspection and monitoring of table water producing

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Delta State Government to monitor table water producing companies due to cholera outbreak

Delta State Government, has disclosed plans to embark on inspection and monitoring of table water producing companies, due to the outbreak and prevalence of cholera in the country.                            

This much was contained in a statement released this evening, Wednesday June 26 by the State Ministry of Information.                        

 The statement, credited to the Director of Public Communication/ Fin. Permanent Secretary in Delta State Ministry of Information, Theresa Adiabua Oliko, noted : " It is hereby announced for the information of the public, particularly Table Water Producing Companies in Delta State, that due to the outbreak and prevalence of cholera in the Country, the Delta State Environmental Protection Agency (DELSEPA) will embark on inspection and monitoring of Table Water Producing Companies, to ascertain the level of Cleanliness of their operational environment.  

2. The Companies are hereby advised to avail the visiting team their valid Environmental Audit Report (EAR) and verifiable water analysis result. 

3.  Accordingly, failure to comply with this directive will be met with adequate sanctions."

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Ebule Anthony Metsese
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