Just In: NERC transfers Regulatory Oversight of the Electricity Market in Imo to ISERC

The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, NERC, has issued an order to transfer regulatory oversight of the electricity market in Imo State from the Commission

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Just In: NERC transfers Regulatory Oversight of the Electricity Market in Imo to ISERC

The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, NERC, has issued an order to transfer regulatory oversight of the electricity market in Imo State from the Commission to the Imo State Electricity Regulatory Commission, ISERC.


The NERC in a statement dropped on its X handle few minutes ago, explained that the decision was in compliance with the amended Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, CFRN and the Electricity Act 2023 (Amended).


Fresh Angle International can authoritatively report with the EA 2023, the Commission retains the role as the central regulator with regulatory oversight on the inter-state/international generation, transmission, supply, trading and system operations.


The EA also mandates any state that intends to establish and regulate intrastate electricity markets to deliver a formal notification of its processes and requests NERC to transfer regulatory authority over electricity operations in the state to the State Regulator.


Based on this, the Government of Imo State complied with the condition’s precedent in the laws, duly notified NERC and requested for the transfer of regulatory oversight of the intrastate electricity market in Imo State.


The transfer Order by NERC has the following provisions:

- Direct Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) to incorporate a subsidiary (EEDC SubCo) to assume responsibilities for intrastate supply and distribution of electricity in Imo State from EEDC.


- EEDC shall complete the incorporation of EEDC SubCo within 60 days from 27th June 2024. The subcompany shall apply for and obtain licence for the intrastate supply and distribution of electricity from ISERC, among other directives.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Onyeka Lilian Adudu
Our Special Correspondent, owns a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication, from Delta State University, Abraka.
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