Diabolic Destruction Could Impede Future Progress in Bangladesh

The government's position and the demands of the anti-quota movement activists

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Diabolic Destruction Could Impede Future Progress in Bangladesh

The government's position and the demands of the anti-quota movement activists demanding quota reforms are in the same line. Even after the government met the quota demands, some groups still tried to manipulate the situation for their gain. Awami League General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader expressed hope that students will not be used as shields and emphasized that the students' main demands have been addressed. He also mentioned that students are not against the government in any way.

A notification has been issued following the court verdict, but there are still groups trying to take advantage of the situation and incite violence. Exploiting the students, they have caused destruction. The scope of the Judicial Inquiry Commission has been expanded to ensure a thorough investigation into every death. Three Judges have been appointed to oversee this process, and any country or organization, including the United Nations, is welcome to join the investigation.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina offered her deepest condolences to the victims' families and financially assistedmany families. She also visited various hospitals in the capital to check on the injured. Law Enforcement agencies have been instructed not to detain or harass students unnecessarily. The exams have been rescheduled to ensure that HSC candidates can participate smoothly. As the students' main demands have been met, they are believed to return to their classrooms and exam halls. The nation does not want them to be used as shields for malicious purposes.

The Minister emphasized the importance of civil society and stated that no third party should take advantage of their opinions. Law and order in the state and the safety of people's lives and property should be a priority for everyone. Toresolve the situation, the Prime Minister has initiated discussions with professionals and civil society members and plans to engage with all stakeholders in stages.

Bangabandhu sought our freedom and aimed to build Sonar Bangla. However, his assassination on August 15, 1975, led to a dark period in the history of Bangladesh. March 26 is recognized as Independence Day and December 16 is Victory Day, but March 7 holds equal significance for independence supporters as it marked a turning point in the liberation war. We must not forget that the seeds of freedom were sown in 1952, and the historic speech on March 7, 1971, played a crucial role in guiding the liberation war. Some individuals manipulate the spirit of the liberation war to serve their political interests. Still, supporters of the war's ideals must remain vigilant for the country, its people, and its development.

The spirit of the liberation war encompasses the ideals of nationalism, socialism, democracy, and secularism, inspiring individuals to sacrifice for the nation's liberation. After the assassination of Bangabandhu, the spirit of the liberation war and the nation's democracy were threatened. It is crucial to understand the true meaning of the spirit of the liberation war, which entails patriotism, genuine love for the country, and dedication to its welfare and progress. Regardless of religion or caste, a nation committed to the principles of the liberation war will prosper and advance.

Those who love the country's sky, air, and green, those who love the country's people, and those who are happy with the development of this country are the bearers and bearers of the spirit of the liberation war. They are the ones who love the red-green flag, hold it in their hearts, and raise the flag high. They are the ones who stand against any exploitation and oppression. The spirit of the liberation war means a non-communal, progressive Bangladesh. Because of Sheikh Hasina's return to the country, democracy has been liberated today, and Bangladesh has stood up in the world on the path of development and progress.

Sheikh Hasina led the Awami League as a symbol of party unity in the most challenging times. She always fought in the struggle for democracy. She has repeatedly returned from death's door. She brought the Awami League to power as a popular party in 1996 after 21 years and has been working tirelessly to institutionalize democracy in Bangladesh. In 1996, under her leadership, the Awami League came to power after winning the parliamentary elections. Sheikh Hasina took over as Prime Minister for the first time. After that, she became the Prime Minister for the second time in 2008, the third time in 2014, the fourth time in 2018, and the fifth time in 2024. Sheikh Hasina made possible the impossible by forming the government in 1996 to bring Bangabandhu's killers to justice and later to bring war criminals to justice in 2010.

The opportunity came to carry forward the ideals of the Bengali nation. After Bangabandhu's assassination at the hands of anti-independence domestic and foreign gangs, black darkness engulfed; she first lit the torch of light to drive away that darkness. After the initial crisis, -limitation continues to shine, and that torch turns for liberation. Just as the Bengali is alone in the morning to remove all the rubbish, rich in promise, a wind of auspicious promise is blowing from the day of his return to the country.

Sheikh Hasina and Sheikh Rehana could not return home for six years after losing their entire family due to the conspiracy of assassins and lack of security in the brutal murder of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family members on August 15, 1975. Awami League leaders and workers spread across the country amid various adversities and became strong at one time. They became intense with the determination to build a new country. Sheikh Hasina returned on May 17, 1981.

After returning to the country in 1981, she focused on returning the country from the Pakistani ideology to the spirit of the liberation war and realizing her father's dream. Building national unity based on the spirit of the liberation war, secularism, democratic values, equality, justice, development, and progress was problematic.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman holds a significant position in the history of Bangladesh as the nation's father, the state's founder, and the leader of the freedom struggle. The most glorious chapter in the thousand-year history of the Bengali nation is the liberation war of 1971. The sacrifices made by 3 million martyrs and the loss of dignity of millions of mothers and sisters led to the achievement of freedom after nine months of war in 1971. Victory was achieved on 16th December by defeating the Pakistani invaders after 23 years of agitation and armed conflict. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a remarkable figure in Bengali history, made the dream of an independent Bangladesh a reality.

The liberation war is the most glorious event for the Bengali nation and will forever be remembered as such. To inspire current and future generations with the spirit of the liberation war, educating them about the accurate history of the struggle for independence is essential. Promoting books, films, and dramas about the liberation war is crucial in preserving this history. Today's generation needs to understand the struggles endured for liberation and the sacrifices made by freedom fighters.

The atrocities committed by the Pakistani occupation forces during the liberation war aimed to wipe out the Bengali nation. Our responsibility is to impart the accurate history of the war to the new generation, especially the youth. We mustensure that the new generation understands the significance of the liberation war and the sacrifices made to achieve independence. The spirit of the liberation war embodies the cherished dream of the Bengali nation for self-rule and freedom from exploitation. It is this spirit that brought the Bengali nation together to establish a democratic and non-exploitative society.

Instilling this consciousness among the new generation through education and awareness is crucial. Educational institutions can take the lead in accurately portraying the history of the liberation war and its significance. Distorting history can lead to confusion and destruction, but highlighting the true history of the country's independence under the leadership of Bangabandhu will inspire patriotism in the new generation. Sheikh Hasina has been a pioneer in working for the welfare, development, and liberation of the people of Bangladesh. Her efforts have contributed to the development of democracy in Bangladesh. The Awami League has always played a vital role in fighting exploitation, deprivation, injustice, and oppression and working for the people's emancipation in economic, social, political, and cultural spheres.

"When this party is in power, the people's fortunes improve. The history of 75 years since the foundation of this party bears witness to that fact. Sheikh Hasina has been working towards establishing Bengali nationalism in the spirit of the liberation war, nurturing democratic culture, building a society free from exploitation, and creating a developed, prosperous, modern, progressive state system. Sheikh Hasina's dream is to take the country forward in the spirit of the liberation war and to give the country's people a taste of development. The main goal was to write the history of the liberation war, to place Bangabandhu's existence in the history of the liberation war, and to place it in a proper place of dignity.

The great freedom struggle of Bangladesh promised to fulfill the fundamental rights of the countrymen, such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and education. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is walking the path of development, progress, and prosperity, facing various domestic and foreign challenges. She is relentlessly trying to build a progressive, democratic, and non-communal Bangladesh free from hunger and poverty. The government has successfully implemented four foundations to build a smart Bangladesh. These are - Smart Citizens, Smart Economy, Smart Government, and Smart Society. It has also been undertaken. How will the delta of 2100 be - that plan? All work in Smart Bangladesh will be done through technology, and every citizen will be proficient.

Smart Bangladesh of 2041 will be a cost-effective, sustainable, intellectual, knowledge-based, and innovative Bangladesh. The way Sheikh Hasina has been leading the country for the past 16 years as the Prime Minister, and one of the reasons why Bangladesh has not fallen into any significant economic crisis like other countries in the current global financial crisis is that she has been able to take the economic base of the country in a strong position during this time. Otherwise, it would have been tough to save the country of 17 crore people from disaster, even during this crisis.

Stating that the Awami League will never forget the contribution of freedom fighters, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina mentioned that the government is building the country in the spirit and ideals of the liberation war. We never forget the contribution of freedom fighters to this country. Therefore, we have taken the initiative to build Bangladesh in the spirit and ideology of the liberation war. The government is looking out for neglected freedom fighters and has taken all measures to ensure their benefits, like their allowance. The freedom fighters were neglected, and the government took various measures to find them. The government is making arrangements for their allowance, state honors in case of death and even burial.

We must honor and give dignity to those who took up arms and liberated this country at my father's call. The government is working to preserve the memory of the liberation war. If the young generation learns the history of victory by seeing the memorial of the liberation war, they will be inspired and learn how to work for the country. Sheikh Hasina said that for this purpose, the government is establishing a freedom fighter complex in every upazila and taking measures to preserve the historic Suhrawardy Udyan, where the father of the nation gave his landmark speech on 7th March, giving instructions to run the country after the independence and Pakistani occupation, the Pakistani forces surrendered. No one will ever disrespect freedom fighters. In the future, no one will look down on the freedom fighters and their families. She also mentioned that her government has increased the allowance of freedom fighters and will continue from generation to generation.

Written By: Hiren Pandit

Hiren Pandit, is an essayist and research fellow based in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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