2024 Genocide, Indemnity in Bangladesh and Role of HR Organisations

There is no doubt that major murders had been organized from July to August 2024. Thes murders are called

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2024 Genocide, Indemnity in Bangladesh and Role of HR Organisations

There is no doubt that major murders had been organized from July to August 2024. Thes murders are called genocide. Protesters are saying Sheikh Hasina government has committed this genocide hawkishly shifting their responsibilities. On that side, Sheikh Hasina has said one thing repeatedly until the resignation of the country, if the murder is investigated under the supervision of the UN, the main mystery will be revealed. They had information that some protesters under cloak-and-dagger infiltrated as marked terrorists and committed all these murders to designedly defame Sheikh Hasina and lead her government to fall-down from power.


Yunus’s first appointed home advisor Brigadier Sakhawat Hossain cleared that most of the protesters were killed by 7. 62 mm bore rifles. He clearly said this rifle is not with the police. He is a retired army Brigadier, a weapons system specialist. His words are worth it. If someone tells this from Sheikh Hasina, it could have been continued by telling lies. Says the influential advisor of the Yunus led interim government.


On the other hand, the Chief Advisor also admitted while delivering a speech at the Clinton Foundation in New York that the July-August 2024 so-called revolution didn't happen suddenly. It was preplanned, meticulously designed. Also introduced the master mind……


Western mass media clearly said some U.S. agencies have been uniting since 2018. Trains 170 Special Forces. The Chief Advisor Yunus admits it. Now the question is the movement that was preplanned killing and calling it genocide. Is the downfall of the government called revolution, mass corruption or second freedom? We don't need to say anyone of them. Of the so-called mass uprising, the main driving forces questioned it.


Now the fish cannot be covered with branches. Rather investigate 7.62 mm rifle users must be identified and judged responsible for genocide. Also, after August 8, all murders including police murders, mob killing, burning and destroying of so many mega-projects, business establishments must be investigated to reveal the dirty faces of the culprits. The day is getting closer and all these notorious crimes shall be flushed out in public.


The heating up the market in Goebelsian prevarications are shrinking and recoiling to the court of the real malefactors. The truth is starting to come out. Once upon a time it will appear like a daylight to public scrutiny. Then the real form of fascist will come out. The day is not far away.


Dr. Yunus' illegal, unlawful and unconstitutional government issued a notification on 14 October 2024, the genocide that took place as part of their meticulous plan from July 15 to August 8, 2024 cannot be sued. Indemnity has been given to everyone. Does genocide have a liability?


On August 5, the Army Chief General Walker said, "I promise you, we will judge all murders, all injustice." You have faith in the army. Have faith in the armed forces. I'm taking all responsibilities. I promise you that you won't be disappointed.”


Many people heaved sighs after listening to this statement of the Army Chief. Thought, let's go, now this anarchy is over. But in reality, we saw:


More than 95% of Bangladesh have been attacked by some hooligans - uncultured, aggressive, rude, noisy troublemakers, mostly belonging to extreme right-winger Islamic fundies like Jamaat-e-Islami mass-murderers of 1971 and their present successors, Hizbut Tahrir, Ansarullah Bangla Team, Khelafat-e-Majlish and their mango-twigs - the Dhaka Cantonment born illegitimate political party -BNP, et al.


Police were murdered and burnt in fire. Even the pregnant woman police did not get spared. Walker's army didn't protect them. How many thousands of police have been murdered, that number has not been confirmed yet. Police murder trial has not started. At least a few thousand police are still missing.


Leaders and workers were killed from the high level of Awami League to the rootage level. How many thousands of leaders and workers have been murdered, that statistics are still not available. According to the army's own statement, more than 6 hundred leaders and high-level officers were in their custody. Some of them have been arrested. Even many of the Awami League ministerial levels are still missing.


The houses of Awami League leaders and workers have been burnt. Even an internationally acclaimed cricketer like Mashrafi’s house of clean image could not escape from this destruction.


All kinds of sculptures including the sculptures of our Father of the Nation, our Liberator Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and so many establishments including the freedom war have been vandalized across the country.


Bangabandhu Museum at Dhanmondi 32 has been burnt by fire. The army stands and watches.


The public buildings have been looted. A certain quarter of army also took part in the loot.


People have been resigned by forcefully beating everywhere from the Supreme Court, administration, police to school-varsities. People of Jamaati and other Islamic terrorist organizations have been made to sit there ignoring any rules and regulations.


Top terrorists including terrorists have been released from prisons.


There is no way to know right now about what documents were damaged outside this visible destruction above, what damage related to the history of the War of Freedom. The voice of the media has also been blocked.


Question is, you must be surprised when even Dhanmondi 32 was burnt even after General Walker took charge of the public security like that, the army didn't even give any protection?


Being a political observer since 1966 and gathering field level experiences and being a front-line Freedom Fighter of the 1971 war field to establish Bangladesh, I was not surprised. Because, I could fathom they already planned. You must have known this long, Dr. Younus himself said about their 'meticulously designed' plan was made well in advance.


This meticulously designed thing is a massacre schema. Basically, the next 3 days of August 5, 2024, a big part of this genocide was implemented by those rogue fundies. Genocide is not just murder of people, it is a tribal history-destruction of tradition and replacement. Whatever it is, Dr. Younus keeps an eye on the violent incidents sitting in France in league with the vile nexus of CIA-IRI-ISI and their local loathsome compadres for 2/3 days before Sheikh Hasina’s forceful stepping down from power on 5 August 2024. After that, returning to the country, he seizes power.


Sometimes the main planner or the principal planners of high-profile murders went far away from the scene so no one can associate him with the murder, shrewd Yunus also applies that strategy.


Two and a half months have passed since 5 August. Thousands of police haven't joined the workplace yet. They are escaped in government accounts. It's okay if there is no case regarding police murder. The direful Jamaati fundamentalists threatened the police for a case. There was no case of fire terrorism. Even the investigation has not been seen. Thousands of Awami League leaders are still fugitive. Not even all of the MPs can't be checked. Yunus's NGO government is totally ignorant on this, but no one believes.


Many were excited to see their nerves in the hope of when the judgement process started. Now the Yunus led government has officially announced, these crimes will not be judged. Thus, all kinds of crimes of murder, rape, fire have been fully relinquished until August 8, 2024. Even though it is August 8 in paper, no one will be judged in the beginning of any crimes that have committed like this.


Where lawsuits cannot be filed, there is no question of judgement. The cat in the meticulous plan would have been out if they were to judge. Not only the killing of police, but also the Yunus group is responsible for the killing of the public including the students (7. 62mm bullets), even if it was a controlled court, it would have been somewhat exposed. The narrative Younus is trying to stand by the media is shaking right now. If the judgement is in process, it would have come out in public. This is the law of liability to prevent it as long as possible. Need time to loot freely. It is difficult to get that time when you try to judge.


But, is this the way the law is free of the massacre? Isn't it. Such indemnity law was made even after the killing of Bangabandhu in 1975. The trial has been delayed, but the murder of Bangabandhu has been trialed on the soil of Bangladesh. Justice has been done for anti-humanity, genocide war criminals too.


Dr. Yunus and his buddies in the soil of Bangladesh must remember that the mass murders done in the meticulous plan of Younus and his paisanos will be brought to justice. The people of Bangladesh will hang the mass murderers by pointing thumb to the illegal liability law of unconstitutional robbers. As time goes by, Manila Rope is smiling.


There are so many international non-governmental Human Rights Organisations across the world like Amnesty International (AI), Human Rights Watch (HRW), Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF), Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF), Human Rights First (HRF), et al, besides many local HR Organisations and UN HR Organisation.


In most cases, the issues of blatant violations of international rules by American government authorities and their vassal states in weaker nations draw to their notice, they mysteriously choose to remain silent. In other words, they are votaries of mighty powers, but they are very coarse in their actions towards the lesser extent of powerful states like Bangladesh and the likes of it across the world.


Millions have suffered crimes against humanity by those rascal states. It is almost like an uppermost dictator’s ceasefire agreement with international non-governmental Human Rights Organisations (NGOs), where for instance: They do not speak badly about America and its compadre states! 


There are fairly large human rights abuses that are taking place in countries after countries all-over the world which have been imposed in the form of various abrasive sanctions to stultify them and their people so that they can’t command a standing position according to their volition to live on. When the drone fighter planes strike weaker nations, annihilate humans, destroy vast establishments for their self-interests only, these HROs enshroud their faces and do not take any bold step to stop the oppressors. Then, what is the use of those HROs?


Likewise, some global organisations have also come under increasing fire for the inability to solve problems that their charter is supposed to address. The United Nations is one of them with its failure to get Israel to adhere to its many resolutions, some submitted by the UN Security Council.


When Sheikh Hasina was in power in Bangladesh, all those HR Organisations were very vocal against her government.  


Sheikh Hasina now has not been in power in Bangladesh. Under the Yunus led Interim Government in Bangladesh, the aforesaid colossus crimes were committed at their free-will and more crimes are still going on in the country by the above-mentioned extreme right-winger fundies, but those HROs have cryptically chosen to remain silent and imbecilic! This is very unconscionable and outrageous!!


So, they must need for more teeth and more resources for them (HROs) to do their jobs aright. It is, however, no excuse for jerry-built work products, foil, and failure to speak up in the face of egregious and systemic human rights violations majorly by American deep state CIA like a rapscallion spy agency along with its side-kick bureaus. More so about those HROs, they must speak up loudly against all evil acts carried on in the recent past and are still going on plus the impunity allowed to those mischievous felons by the Yunus led government in Bangladesh and unwrap below the belt faces of those ogres to inflict due punishment.


Written By: Anwar A. Khan

Anwar A. Khan, was a freedom fighter to establish Bangladesh in 1971, now based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, who writes on politics and international issues.



Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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