Exclusive: Teenager, man die of electrocution in Delta

*Eye witnesses lament nonchalance of Hospital medics for girl’s death *I won’t comment for now-Property owner/electrician responds

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Exclusive: Teenager, man die of electrocution in Delta
Mrs. Christiana Mayuku narrating the unfortunate experience to Our Correspondents

Double tragedy struck at Ugbokodo Community in Okpe Local Government Area and Ekurede Itsekiri Community in Warri South Local Government Area, both of Delta State, Wednesday November 29 when an unidentified middle aged man and a 14-year old Basic School student, Gift Idoko were electrocuted to death in the afternoon and about 7:00 pm respectively.

Fresh Angle International can report that while the unidentified matured man allegedly fell from an electric pole in Ugbokodo after suffering electric shock, while trying to restore electricity to his area, 14-year old Gift Idoko, who was a JSS 3 student of Basic School, Ugbuwangue, Warri, suffered electric shock as she purportedly rested her back on a string of rods protecting an electrical store at about 7:00pm when BEDC restored electricity supply to Ekurede Itsekiri.

According to eye witnesses, Gift Idoko attempted to rest her body on the string of rod protector, apparently taking a break from the plates she was washing behind a caravan close to her mother’s house, when she was electrocuted and she yelled for help.

Picture shows behind the caravan where Gift Idoko washed the plates and the string of rods by the right was where she suffered the electrocution and landed in-between the two structures

Even her mother’s friend, Mrs. Christiana Mayuku who rushed down to offer some rescue told Fresh Angle International Thursday November 30 that she equally suffered the electric shock when she placed her left hand on the rods while racing to rescue Gift.

One Toju Gire who identified herself as a nurse told Our Correspondents that on getting to the scene where Gift collapsed, she observed that her impulse was still on before she was immediately rushed to the Central Hospital, Warri for proper medical attention.

Some of the eye witnesses who spoke exclusively to Your-Soar-Away International Tabloid, including 21-year old Blessing Okotie, claimed that Gift was promptly taken to the Warri Central Hospital alive, but the perceived nonchalant response of a nurse on duty may have led to the eventual death of Gift Idoko.

According to Blessing Okotie, when she called Gift, who was the younger sister of her friend, she opened her left eye, while movement was observed on her stomach, before substances came out of her nose and Gift was eventually confirmed dead few minutes after 9:00pm allegedly due to lack of medical attention.

Mother of Gift, Mrs. Maria Idoko, a petty trader was still in tears and unable to speak with Our Correspondents as at 1:30pm Thursday November 30, even as some of her classmates and other sympathizers thronged their home.

Classmates of late Gift Idoko who came to sympathize with Mrs. Maria Idoko

The remains of Gift who is the second child of her mother was said to have been deposited at the Central Hospital Morgue in Warri as at the time of this report, while her father, Mr. Idoko a Police Officer serving in Bayelsa State could not be reached for comment.

Meanwhile, owner of the shanti-like property, identified simply as Mr. Segun who is also the electrician that operates in the shop whose string of rods electrocuted Gift, could not be seen when Fresh Angle International visited.

When contacted on phone in a bid to respond to allegations that he might have deliberately set up the rods in such a way that it can shock those believed to be disturbing him, Segun reacted thus “I don’t want to comment on the issue for now. Give me your address details and I will reach you later”.

Mrs. Maria Idoko was said to have suffered similar shock inside her house Wednesday November 22 after it was discovered that a naked wire in her apartment was touching a rod and the issue was promptly addressed by another electrician in the community before yesterday’s unfortunate incident.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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