Community Beneficiaries commend PINL for climate action, mitigating economic hardship

Community Beneficiaries of Pipeline Infrastructure Nigeria Limited, PINL, from the Warri axis in Delta State, have commended the management of PINL

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Community Beneficiaries commend PINL for climate action, mitigating economic hardship
A Cross Section of the Community Beneficiaries of Pipeline Infrastructure Nigeria Limited, from Warri axis, during the press briefing held in Warri

Community Beneficiaries of Pipeline Infrastructure Nigeria Limited, PINL, from the Warri axis in Delta State, have commended the management of PINL for its efforts aimed at combating climate change, its impacts, environmental protection and mitigating economic hardship, through citizens empowerment.


Civicist Rex Anighoro, gave the commendation Thursday June 20, in Warri, Delta State, on behalf of Community Beneficiaries of Pipeline Infrastructure Nigeria Limited, PINL, from the Itsekiri, Ijaw and Urhobo ethnic nationalities.


Civicist Anighoro, who addressed an enlarged press conference in the presence of over 300 community beneficiaries of PINL, noted that the company through its robust Corporate Social Responsibility programmes, have been helping to mitigate the adverse impact of economic hardship in the country.


Civicist Rex Anighoro, addressing newsmen on behalf of Community Beneficiaries of PINL





He stated: “We recommend and recognize PINL for their exemplary commitment to civic engagement, citizens empowerment, community and sustainable development in our communities, in the broader Niger Delta and beyond.


“Pipeline Infrastructure Nigeria Limited, has set an unimaginable precedent in engaging with stakeholders from the communities in the Niger Delta and beyond, empowering our young people and giving so much joy and smiles to those who have been bitten hard by the harsh economic communities.


“Their efforts in supporting bill of peace initiatives and fostering a sense of responsibility among our youths, are commendable. Unlike any other company already in the Niger Delta providing pipeline services, PINL has consistently demonstrated an understanding of the critical role of stakeholders, civic actors and the communities, in achieving lasting peace and development.


“We are here publicly express our gratitude for the opportunities that PINL has provided to indigenes of Urhobo nation, Itsekiri nation, Ijaw nation and our young people in the region.


“These initiatives have not only strengthened our peace efforts, but has also significantly contributed to the environment of the citizens and the promotion of sustainable development.


“We urge PINL to continue to provide such opportunities across the Niger Delta region, to more people, to more ethnic nations, such as the Isokos, the Ndokwas, etc.


“PINL should maintain and expand their commitment to peace building, environmental protection, climate action and citizens empowerment. Because these policies demand the involvement of all individuals of goodwill, in this challenging economic time.


“We urge PINL to intensify their efforts in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the benefits of Deltans and the entire Niger Delta region. PINL stands out in the region. They have distinguished themselves through pipeline security engagements.


“They have provided a great sense of belonging and participation to the first group of stakeholders, including communities, civic and civil society actors. They have given our fathers, mothers, people with disabilities, a good sense of belonging than no other pipeline security companies. PINL stands out as the first among the others.”


The beneficiaries, added: “We want to thank the Chairman of PINL, our father, our young King, the Olu of Warri, Ogiame III, who believes in young people and have given young people pride.


“We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to our brother and leader, a foremost International security expert and a civil society leader, Deacon Shola Mese, for deepening this process and ensuring that the good of the greater majority, is advanced.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Hitler Preye Bela
She is the Confidential Secretary/Desktop Publisher of Fresh Angle International Newspaper. A Graduate of Computer Science, Federal Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State with over 7years experience in Desktop Publishing. She can be reached on 07033457898
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