Ughelli North Chairman, Egbo, adjusts levies to ameliorate economic hardship

The Chairman of Ughelli North Local Government Area, Olorogun Jaro Movudu Egbo, has adjusted the levies payable for lockup and open market

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Ughelli North Chairman, Egbo, adjusts levies to ameliorate economic hardship
Olorogun Jaro Movudu Egbo

The Chairman of Ughelli North Local Government Area, Olorogun Jaro Movudu Egbo, has adjusted the levies payable for lockup and open market shops controlled by the local government council, to ameliorate the economic challenges being faced by traders.


Our Ughelli North Bureau Chief, reports that the downward review by the Council Boss, was contained in a statement released today, Wednesday August 7, on his behalf by the Head of Personnel Management of Ughelli North Local Government Council, Mr. Ase Timothy. R. E.


According to the statement, lockup shops will now attract an annual fee of Forty-Eight Thousand Naira (N48,000.00) while open market shops will be Twenty four thousand naira (N24,000.00).


Payment of Certificate of Local Government of Origin, will henceforth be Five thousand naira (N5,000.00) per applicant.


The Chairman further directed that all revenue accruing from the issuance of the certificate of Local Government of Origin, should solely be allocated to providing school benches and free school uniforms to public schools, where benches and school uniforms are inadequate, while revenue from markets would be allocated to cleaning/ environmental upgrade of the local government.



Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Inana Anna Okeoghene
Bureau Chief Ughelli North Local Government Area
Read other stories by Inana Anna Okeoghene

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