NLC warning strike records compliance as workers block entry to Warri Port

The two-day warning strike declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, recorded compliance at the Nigerian Ports Authority, Warri as scores of worke

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NLC warning strike records compliance as workers block entry to Warri Port
A cross section of some of the NPA workers, observing the strike


The two-day warning strike declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, recorded compliance at the Nigerian Ports Authority, Warri as scores of workers were on Tuesday September 5, prevented from entering the port premises.

Our Batch ‘A’ Stream ‘2’ Corps Member, Ogunsola Temiloluwa, who monitored the compliance level at Nigeria Ports Authority, Delta Ports, Warri, reports that about 11 NLC officials were sighted at the gate of the Port, ensuring that the workers were not allowed entry into the port, in a peaceful atmosphere.


The main entrance of NPA, Warri, blocked by the striking workers




Fresh Angle International can report that apart from the NLC Officials who were clad in white polo shirts and white face caps, there was no placards or overt demonstrations, even though there was palpable anxiety.

It was gathered that many of the workers were participating in the two-day warning strike, but seemed to lack detailed knowledge about the reason(s) behind the strike, just as they simply responded “no comment” or redirected Our Correspondent to speak with their superiors, when pressed for details.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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