Haiti crisis: Haitians say a Presidential Council will bring more instability

Haitian politician Werley Nortreus and other Haitians have opened up about the United States and

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Haiti crisis: Haitians say a Presidential Council will bring more instability

Haitian politician Werley Nortreus and other Haitians have opened up about the United States and CARICOM's push for a Presidential Council with a new Prime Minister amid the resignation of former PM Ariel Henry.


Nortreus gave his opinion on Friday and said a Presidential Council composed of members of past administrations would bring more instability. Other Haitians also gave their opinions regarding the United States and CARICOM proposal. Most Haitians and other opposition groups rejected a new government composed of multiple Presidents, Ministers, and Prime Ministers.


"A Presidential Council composed of members of previous administrations will bring more instability. It's my opinion!", Nortreus said on Friday about this proposal.


"We don't want the State Department and CARICOM to be involved in the affairs of Haiti. This time, it will be up to Haitians to choose who they want", said another Haitian citizen during a protest.


"I also don't think Haiti should organize a general election without a new constitution reform. I think the youth deserves a chance too. I fear their proposal brings more instability. I am for PM Henry and his administration's resignation but it's up to Haitians to pick their leaders this time", Nortreus said again about the proposal on Friday.


"A new Haiti is possible, but we must first allow a new generation of politicians to be in power.", added Nortreus on Friday.


In Jamaica, Caribbean leaders, the State Department, and others announced they had negotiated with political actors in the country to form a new government. Still, their decision was made without the approval of Haitian citizens which caused protests and more chaos.


Haitian citizens did not choose the new leaders named for the new Government. Most Haitians have rejected the proposal. Most said they are supposed to be the ones to choose their new leaders, not the State Department and CARICOM.


Sent-in by: Marie Honore

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (www.freshangleng.com)
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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