Re-Notice of Nomination and Approval of Members of the Delta APC Reconciliation Committee Headed by Olorogun O’tega Emerhor, OON

In our steadfast pursuit of genuine reconciliation and enduring peace within the Delta

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Topic: Opinion

Re-Notice of Nomination and Approval of Members of the Delta APC Reconciliation Committee Headed by Olorogun O’tega Emerhor, OON


Elder Omene Sobotie,

Chairman- APC Delta, 




Olorogun O’tega Emerhor OON,

Chairman Reconciliation Committee,

APC Delta State.



Re-Notice of Nomination and Approval of Members of the Delta APC Reconciliation Committee Headed by Olorogun O’tega Emerhor, OON


In our steadfast pursuit of genuine reconciliation and enduring peace within the Delta APC. We, the APC members across the polling units and wards of Delta State that contributed immensely in building the party since inception till date led by the party’s founding chairman ,the Conscience of Delta APC ,must unequivocally express our rejection of the recently nominated reconciliation committee. This stance is not merely a protest; it is a clarion call for integrity, inclusivity, and fairness in a process that is vital for the future of our party.


Firstly, the selection process that led to the formation of this committee has glaring deficiencies that cannot be overlooked. The principles and guidelines that govern the establishment of a reconciliation committee are rooted in transparency and representation. Regrettably, the recent nominations have fallen short of these fundamental tenets. The criteria for inclusion lacked clarity and failed to encompass the diverse voices and interests that exist within our party. This oversight not only undermines the legitimacy of the committee but also poses a significant barrier to achieving the sustainable peace we so desperately seek.


Moreover, the manner in which committee members were chosen raises serious concerns about the integrity of the process. The nominations appeared to be orchestrated behind closed doors, devoid of any meaningful consultation or consensus-building. Alarmingly, many of the individuals selected are intricately linked to the very issues that plague our party today. Their involvement in the reconciliation process casts doubt on their neutrality and credibility, effectively jeopardizing the potential for authentic reconciliation. How can we expect a committee to facilitate healing when its members are perceived as part of the problem?


Additionally, we must question the procedural legitimacy of this committee. When will the State Executive Committee (SEC) convene to scrutinize these nominations? It is imperative that the SEC reviews and confirms the committee’s composition before it can be recognized and operationalized. Any outcomes stemming from a committee that has not undergone thorough examination by the SEC will be met with our firm resistance. We demand accountability and transparency in every step of this process.


Furthermore, clarity is needed regarding the implementation of the committee’s recommendations. If the State Working Committee (SWC) is to be the body responsible for receiving and enacting these recommendations, then it stands to reason that no member of the SWC should be involved in the reconciliation committee. The notion of entrusting those who have contributed to our current challenges with the responsibility of reconciliation is not only counterproductive but wholly unacceptable to us- APC members across the polling units and wards of Delta State that contributed immensely in building the party since inception till date.


Equally important is the glaring absence of youth representation within the nominated committee. The future of our party lies in the hands of our young members, and their voices must be included in any reconciliation efforts. We assert that the inclusion of our youth is not just desirable; it is essential for fostering a sense of ownership and commitment to the party’s future.


In light of these pressing concerns, we propose the establishment of a “Truth and Peace Commission,” to be chaired by a distinguished member from outside Delta State who commands respect from all diverse interests. Alternatively, we call for a reevaluation of the current nomination process, advocating for a transparent, inclusive, and equitable approach that genuinely reflects the diverse interests within our party and is committed to fostering lasting peace and unity.


To this end, we suggest the following actionable steps as a pathway forward for the Delta APC:


 1. Establish clear guidelines for the selection of a reconciliation committee.

 2. Define comprehensive terms of reference for the committee.

 3. Provide the committee with explicit guidelines for achieving peaceful resolutions and ensuring the sustainability of those resolutions.

 4. Secure the legitimization of the above steps through the SWC, SEC, and party caucus prior to implementation.

 5. Clearly outline the methodology for implementing the committee’s recommendations at various levels of the party.

     6. Ensure the adoption of these methodologies before proceeding with implementation.


In conclusion, our commitment to the Delta APC is unwavering, and it is our sincere hope that these recommendations will pave the way for a more inclusive, transparent, and effective reconciliation process. Together, we can build a stronger, more united party that truly reflects the aspirations of all its members.


Signed:For ourselves and on behalf of our members.


Prince Yemi Emiko

Prophet Jones Ode Erue

Elder Richard Abarosa 

Chief Dillion Oyuwe

Sir A.S Mene 

Hon Smart Edema. 

Chief Michael Johnny 

Chief Chris Pobeni

Sir Theodore Ezonfade.


Hon. Chief Julius Okpoko

Chief Akpedafe S. Edewor

Chief Evwighono Samuel Elder Alvin Ikikiru JP .

Chief Onome Yegbeburu FCE.

Comr. Christian O. Onodjacha RFFN.

Dr. (Mrs) Okpeki Philo Igue. 

Mr Isaiah Masheni


Barr. Ashibuogwu Cyprian

Comr. Agali Christopher 

Hon. Tony Eneh 

Barr. Prosper Eseagbu 

Dr. Iyke Odikpo

Godwin Okpor 

Comr Steve Opene

Barr. Obuseh Philip.


Cc. National Chairman.

National Secretary.

South -South Chairman.

National Publicity Secretary.

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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