Deghele Community Water tank collapses

The water tank constructed by Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission, DESOPADEC in Deghele Community in Warri South-West Local

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Deghele Community Water tank collapses
The over-head tank that collapsed


The water tank constructed by Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission, DESOPADEC in Deghele Community in Warri South-West Local Government Area in Delta State, has collapsed.


Feelers from the community, indicated that the tank collapsed at about 23.47pm, Friday September 8.


“From the report that got to me! The discharging outlets that ought to distribute water line, had not been fixed. The over-head tank was open, with the constant raining, the tank stand was overwhelmed with weight of the water on the tank, thus it collapsed”, a source told Fresh Angle International, earlier today, Monday September 11.  

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Tonebsky Nesta
Tonebsky Nesta is the pen name for Metsese Anthony Ebule, Co-Publisher/Editor-In-Chief
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