NANS, Niger Delta Youth Leaders storm Ajayi Crowther University, accuse police, institution of  trying to hide killers of Jeffrey Akro

The National leadership of National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS and members of Niger Delta Youth

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NANS, Niger Delta Youth Leaders storm Ajayi Crowther University, accuse police, institution of  trying to hide killers of Jeffrey Akro
A Cross Section of the leadership of NANS & Niger Delta Youth Leaders Front, at the gate of Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo

The National leadership of National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS and members of Niger Delta Youth Leaders Front, on Wednesday June 5, stormed Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, preventing entry and exit from the institution, in demand for justice, following the brutal murder of Jeffrey Chamuke Akro.                                         

The coalition of youth leaders from the Niger Delta, who dismissed the identity of the 25 suspects arraigned at a court in Oyo earlier today, accused the police and management of the institution of plot to shield the real killers of Jeffrey Akro.                                

Whilst the Universal President of NANS, Comrade Lucky Emonefe , condemned the brutal murder of Akro and insisted on justice, the President of Niger Delta Youth Leaders Front, Hon. Chukwutem Nwogor, declared: "We demand for the total closure of the school till when the school will provide the following  information; 

(1)full list of the said students that are involved in Jeffrey Akro 's death with their full details. 
(2)his autopsy 
(3)meeting with his immediate family."

Copyright: Fresh Angle International (
ISSN 2354 - 4104

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Tonebsky Nesta
Tonebsky Nesta is the pen name for Metsese Anthony Ebule, Co-Publisher/Editor-In-Chief
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