University CSO raises alarm over new harmful drugs in schools

*Advises parents to caution their wards against 'gift'

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University CSO raises alarm over new harmful drugs in schools
Sample of the harmful Strawberry Quick or Strawberry Meth

The Chief Security Officer, CSO of University of Medical Sciences, Ondo State, O.V. Olagbende has raised alarm of "the circulation of psychotropic drugs disguised in form of sweets and candies", called "Strawberry Quick", admonishing parents to instruct their children not to accept candies from strangers.

The alarm is contained in a memo titled: "Awareness to all parents: new Drugs in Schools" and addressed to all staff of University of Medical Sciences Ondo, Ondo State.

While noting that the effect of the controversial drug can be very scary, the institution's CSO disclosed, "there is also a type of crystal meth going around that looks like strawberry Pop Rocks (the candy that sizzles and pops in the mouth). It smells like strawberry and is being handed out to kids in school yards. They are calling it strawberry meth or strawberry quick".

According to him, kids readily accept the 'gift' thinking that "it is a candy and being rushed off to hospital in dire- condition".

He quipped that 'Straw-Berry Quick' comes in chocolate peanut butter, cola, cherry, grape and orange".

Tonebsky Nesta
Tonebsky Nesta is the pen name for Metsese Anthony Ebule, Co-Publisher/Editor-In-Chief
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